Sunday, February 14, 2016

This is Nico. Be Like Nico.

Once again, I'm looking back at where I left off on my last blog and I can't believe it's been over a month and a half that has passed! It feels like so much has occured since then! A quick stroll through my very forgetful memory but what I can recall is….
  • A fingertip almost severed off (Stefano's)
  • Furnace going out in the middle of the night and having to be replaced (Merry Christmas!)
  • An anticipated nice long break from work
  • Christmas 
  • Sick Baby all through my work break
  • ER visit on New Years Day (for the 2nd year in a row)
  • Diagnosed Strep Throat
  • Family Night Mondays
  • Kindermusik Tuesdays
  • Idol Wednesdays with Our Favorite Girls
  • TT Weekends
  • Bestie Babies
  • A Milestone Birthday in Florida
  • Recurrent Fevers
  • A state review of our food program at my work
  • Diagnosed 1st Ear Infection 
  • An Allergic Reaction to an Antibiotic
Are you kinda overwhelmed by this list? If not, you're a way better person than I. The good fun stuff I can handle. The busyness I can deal with. But that sick stuff I have listed? That's where I lose my shit. Like can't eat, can't sleep, give myself three ulcers and lose five pounds. I'm not sure what comes over me. I'm known to be a pretty cool and collected person but when it comes to my son I become a freaking lunatic.
Can You Feel My Craziness? If You Can't Take A Look At Nico's Face.

When he is feverish or ill I lose all rationality. I literally myself feel ill. Maybe it's because of my nursing background and I know too much? I'm really not sure what comes over me…all I know is that it is completely overwhelming and totally irrational. Perhaps it's just first baby paranoia (God, lets hope) and like my wise mother has demanded I better have another baby really quick-because somehow that makes you come back to reality? Say what? You don't really think I'm going buy that right? Doesn't that make you go TWICE as crazy? If so, it's over for me. Please admit me into the crazy ward now and send my kids to see me only if they are healthy. Just to prove how much I'm aging myself over him enjoy the following little ditty...I was at a work conference for a couple days and a colleague within another agency came up to give me a hug and said, "Oh look at you! You look great! And you even have sparkles in your hair! Looks beautiful!" I with what I assume was a very perplexed look on my face said, "Sparkles?" Colleague, "Yes, it looks so beautiful!" Me-"Are you sure it's not my white/grey hair?" Colleague with an absolute look of horror, "Oh my God, I'm sooooooo sorry!" Looking like she was about to start crying I repeatedly assured her that I really (no really) was not offended. Why would I be offended? Isn't white/grey hair a sign of wisdom? If that's the truth then I'm so full of wisdom for a just over 30 year old that it should be illegal. Actually I'm full of it and all of that white/grey is symbolic of all the strands of worry my son has caused me in his 16 months (plus 39 weeks and 4 days in the womb of life) so far. I lied again. I had white hair before my son. Although I'm totally not lying when I say there seems to be more of it nowadays! If I'm not mistaken, I think I've seen some young celebrities dying their hair grey intentionally. So yeah. I'm totally just being trendy. All jokes aside, those moms (and dads) that have dealt and/or are dealing with a legitimately ill child. I bow down to you. I also pray for you often. I can not even begin to fathom the real worry that comes with a child that has more than a fever. I admire you and your incredible strength.     

Somewhere in-between the craziness of everyday life (with my child) here is what I have noticed of Nico lately. 
  • Nico currently has somewhere between 4.75-5.25 teeth. (Eats considerably well considering this fact.)
  • He has hair that is out.of.control. The curls! The chaos! I go from wanting to cut it all off to then feeling like I could never touch the perfection. This varies by the minute.   
  • He sneezes and thinks it is hilarious. 
  • He's obsessed with balloons (takes after his mother) and his father plays into the obsession by every time they go to the store together they seem to bring a new one home. 
  • Speaking of obsessions…Nico's obsessed with shoes (takes after both his mother and father) and recently stood at a shoe store window in the mall pounding on the glass (call security). 
  • Now likes me to bring him to the "Nico's Food Cupboard" and stands on counter as we go through the items and when I ask him if he wants something he tells me "no" until I hit the item that he wants and then he simply goes, "yum." 
  • Speaking of food-still naturally loves pasta the most. Then he could eat fruit all day and everyday.
  • Loves lifting and pushing heavy objects. It's somewhere between impressive and frightening. 
  • Still loves to clean.
  • I'm no longer going in to his crib. He has the ability to go in by himself and fall asleep. 
  • Has what appears to be some natural soccer skills. 
  • Loves his power wheels and can now drive it by himself.
  • Lately has been loving to color.
  • Still a superstar traveler.
    P.S. This Is How You Entertain A Toddler On a Plane…Post It Notes (Thanks TT)
  • Been on his first airboat through the everglades. 
  • Saw his first dolphins and was amazed.
  • Washes his hands better than most adults (then why isn't he avoiding these random illnesses? Oh wait, he's a toddler and toddlers are known to get sick often...all part of building their immune system...duh mom.
  • Loves to help feed Bellina and carries a cup over to her bowl and dumps it in an inch short of the bowl every.single.time. 
  • Is wearing 18-24 month clothing, 2T pajamas, and size 5 shoe.
  • Loves to dance.
  • Just learned how to ride his wheely bug and is soooo pleased with himself.
    Cool Right? 
And what I love most about Nico? How he loves. He loves so darn good. Like when he sees his dad and his whole face lights up and he smiles soooo big. Then when he sees other members of the family he squeals with delight. Or even when he sees Grace's photo and he smiles and grabs it and then proceeds to kiss it. And when he sees her in person ?!?! How he bear hugs her to the point of nearly knocking her down…not just one time-but like a good 10+ violent bear hugs in a row.
It's Only Scary For A Second…Then It's Pure Fun! 

It use to totally freak her out but now she loves it and they both get a look of anticipation when this occurs. He loves waving goodbye to everyone and anything he sees. We say goodbye to our toys and goodbye to our books at night with an unprompted kiss before he goes to bed. Speaking of his kisses....they are so sweet. The fading smell of baby breath and a hint of garlic (Stefano-"What?!? He's Italian!!"). I love his little goofy smile and the look he gives when he knows he's being funny. I love how Nico grabs me around the neck and with his little fingers he keeps grabbing tighter for just a little longer resulting in the best hug I may have ever received in all my life. All in all he loves good. He loves hard. He loves with all he is.

Possibly The Sweetest Boy You'll Ever Meet…But His Mom Is C-R-A-Z-Y. 
So yes, be like Nico. Don't be like his psychotic mother. 



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