Thursday, December 22, 2016

IT'S A…..

Santa came early this year and gave us the greatest gift of all! We had our ultrasound this morning and found out we are having.....






.............A HEALTHY BABY!!

Is everyone groaning right now? I know, I know we are so so sooooo lame for not finding out...again! We are currently torturing our family and friends (and yes, even kind of ourselves) in not finding out but it's just how we like to slightly annoying others. I mean last time we did not tell anyone even after we had the baby! They had to wait until they walked in the hospital room (mind you in another county) and find out themselves. I literally had my sister in law in tears because she couldn't get up to the hospital till the next day and we.would.not tell her. LOL...we might not just slightly annoy others but down right piss them off. Sorry not sorry-but it was just seeing each person's expression when they walked through the door.

Everyone is always like, "But don't you want to find out?!?" Well of course we do, BUT there is just something about waiting 40 weeks and that surprise being that much more of an anticipated moment. If you yourself have found out in your pregnancies...can you imagine the anticipation of waiting another 20 weeks?!?! It's like you are overwhelming and bursting FULL of anticipation! There has been nothing like it in my life and since I've been blessed and I know how special that moment is and I want to experience it again, and again, and again! <------*Husband looking nervous about that statement. It's just one of the rare (good) surprises in life.

I should back up and openly disclose that my husband DID want to find out this time around what we were having. My reasoning for his reasoning? One-he already has his boy and Two-if it's a girl he has to mentally prepare himself for that fact. My argument (which then shut him right up) was that if I find out we are having a girl I'm going to go NUTS buying things before the baby even arrives. Well, in the two years that Nico has been with us he knows what my "nuts" looks like and didn't have much to say after that. He has since said, "I figure if we have another boy we will save about 30 thousand right off the sure where he came up with that figure but hilarious none the less.  I myself wanted to find out solely for the purpose of being able to tell others that we found out the sex of our first and not the second and let me tell you...this is how you have to do it because I KNOW! Listen, I'm a total type A personality. I'm a rabid planner, I like to know what's going on, when it's going on, and how it's going on. I was the one during school group projects saying, "Don't worry about it, I'll get it done and you all don't have to worry about a thing." All my group members would be like, "Oh Jess, you're so wonderful and that's just so nice of you!" I would nod and look slightly embarrassed all because I was NOT being nice! I was being a control freak playing it off that I was being nice! So I get the whole argument of needing to know to be able to "plan". But guess what? Your baby needs very little (ha-the baby business has tricked everyone in making you believe you NEED the stinky diaper genie, and this and that) but really a baby hardly needs anything! They really only need a lot of LOVE and.... diapers. Not to mention if you hold out on finding out-you will actually receive items you NEED instead of the cutest swimsuit for your newborn baby that's due in smack dab of a Wisconsin winter. But really...who could pass something like that up?! It's just sooooo cute! ;-P

I get so annoyed (sorry I could be potentially offending some of those close to me) when people say they are going for their ultrasound to find out what the baby is. Me being medical and "stuff" want to scream (yes scream) at them-"NO, you're going for your ultrasound to make sure your baby's organs are where they are suppose to be and that your baby is developing normally. Finding out the gender of your baby is just an extra potential perk." But us being us- assume that a healthy baby is a given which sadly is not always a guarantee. Honest to God, the only words I want to hear at my 20 week scans are, "Congratulations! Your baby looks perfectly healthy!I'm so not trying to make anyone feel bad or guilty for their past, present, or future decisions...because I would say almost all of my friends and family have found out what they were having and I 110% respect their decision. I promise I still think they are just as lovely as I have always believed them to be prior to them finding out. I'm just "penning" this as MY reasoning and maybe to convince (or challenge...hehe) the next expectant mom to NOT find out! There are so many positives in NOT finding out and I won't bore you with all of them but trust me in this. I'll give you just two (out of my list of give or take 1000) that perhaps you maybe haven't thought about...How about being able to avoid other people's insensitive comments when you're pregnant with your 4th boy and they say, "you're going to try again for a girl, right?!" Um, how about you let said pregnant lady GIVE birth to her child before asking that question...oh about just never ask those kind of questions...EVER! Or for all those people out there that may be standing up against their future child not being stereotyped? Well hate to break it to you, but finding out half way through your pregnancy you're already allowing your baby to be stereotyped solely based on their sex before it even comes out of your womb! Let me put it this way, I can counter every reason you give me on WHY you must know your baby's gender. Sorry, for being a little in your face about this topic...again no offense is meant. But I'm the pregnant lady that walks around wanting to scream, "LOOK AT ME! I'M PREGNANT! I'M CURRENTLY TAKING PART OF THE MOST AMAZING THING THAT A HUMAN CAN PARTAKE IN!" And I guess because of that-I'm just like isn't having a baby enough? Do we really have to participate in this need-to-know-before-it-happens world we live in? Can we just enjoy being in the moment and awaiting the biggest surprise ever?

Hmmmm…living in the moment…that's a thought eh? 

And since we have to wait (and in turn-so do you!) we want to make this EVEN more exciting and fun! So indulge in our guesses and then how to participate in our anticipation as well!

What do we think Baby "G' is going to be?

Daddy's Guess: BOY!!
Mommy's Guess:
Nico's Guess: A MONSTER!! (I swear this is what Nico told his Nonna when she showed him the 3D picture of his sibling today)...But since then and before then he has said-GIRL!!

Disclaimer: I'm so WITH Nico on this one....I am fully preparing myself for our next child to be a monster as well as a little sister for Nico. There is just no way I'd have two perfect angel babies in a row. No way. A person doesn't get that lucky. This baby is going to be, so, sooooo bad.

Anyway, my husband is a gambling man and I like to give away things so we are inviting all of our family and friends to join in on the excitement! Click the link below and put in your guesses! Bets are open till April 20th and winner will get bragging rights as well as a PRIZE!

Here are the deets:

We have decided to use to put together a Baby Pool where you can guess certain things such as Baby's Birthdate (date and time), Baby's Sex, Baby's Weight, (etc, etc.). If you'd like to play, simply click the link provided below to submit your hunches!

Our little bundle of joy is due 05/11/2017 if that helps you start the guessing process! :) And if you haven't fully processed that I'm pregnant yet...oh wait that's probably just me...I'll be reminding everyone to "guess" before we close the polls as our due date approaches closer!

Good luck! And thanks for "playing" along!
Photo Cred: Karen Ann Photography


JLOVE A.K.A "Mommy"

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