my wonderfully sweet friend Erin, started her own blog that I discovered after
she referenced it (what blog?) and then embarrassingly realized I had missed almost a whole
year of her posts. Bad Bestie Award? I just recently read them start to
finish...well actually finish to start to be exact and I had SO much fun reminiscing how far our Gracie Girl has come! I thought what a great way to
document this big blur of life as well as some thoughts and feelings for others to relate to and/or your child to
look back at one day and kind of get a glimpse of the real you and allow them into your head. Wait, this could backfire big time...Nico Baby-Remember Mommy knows EVERYTHING. :) I have
decided to take Erin's lead and start my own documentation of my journey into
motherhood. If I'm lucky maybe I'll get one follower (her) or better yet maybe
I'll be able to quit my job because I'll obtain some great sponsorship on my
blog. Pampers you hear me? Actually-Nordstrom-yeah hear
Let this be my disclaimer from here on out:
Get ready for some poor grammar (It happens when you live with an ESL Italian) and words that you probably won't find in the dictionary (they are my favorite). Just remember, I ain't no English major. ;) Disclaimer #2-There may be a swear word here and there-again I blame it on that ESL Italian who has mastered the art of swearing in English and whose kitchen language I hear a little too often. Regardless, take this all for what it is-take me for what I am. But I hope that perhaps by doing this-not only am I documenting the most beautiful story but that I may be able to open some dialogue and write about "stuff" that goes unmentioned and be some kind of hope for others. Here we go....
Let this be my disclaimer from here on out:
Get ready for some poor grammar (It happens when you live with an ESL Italian) and words that you probably won't find in the dictionary (they are my favorite). Just remember, I ain't no English major. ;) Disclaimer #2-There may be a swear word here and there-again I blame it on that ESL Italian who has mastered the art of swearing in English and whose kitchen language I hear a little too often. Regardless, take this all for what it is-take me for what I am. But I hope that perhaps by doing this-not only am I documenting the most beautiful story but that I may be able to open some dialogue and write about "stuff" that goes unmentioned and be some kind of hope for others. Here we go....
My sweet baby is almost 6 months old-like five days shy of 6 months. What better time to start reflecting
on what life is...what it has become. Let me tell's become something
that is so much more magnificent than I could document through words or pictures
(and obviously y'all know I like my photos). It's not that I
didn't believe others when they said parenthood is this life altering magical
crazy event in one's life -cause I totally believed them. But you don't really understand
until it happens to you. It changes you. It changes you in the most amazing
ways. *Enter every cliche here*. Thankfully, this "mom" thing has come as a very
natural role and easy transition for me. Not sure if it's because by trade I'm a
nurse and it's just part of the job description to be ultra
nurturing and patient -or- if I just have the worlds easiest baby and that alone
makes this mom thing a piece of cake. Which, in turn-makes it look like I have my shit
together. Let's go with the first theory. Really it's probably because my own
mother was a stay at home mom and watched several other little ones in addition
to her own 3 offspring-so growing up there were always babies around for me to
practice with. Not to mention-I was the most sought after babysitter this side
of the Mississippi in my teen years. So thank you to all the parents that
entrusted me with their own and groomed me into the mother that I am today. I'll
forever be thankful.
To think of life before my Nicoló-don't want to do it-well at
least right now. We will save that for a future blog post. So let's talk about
NOW...Baby Nico is almost 6 months old. SIX month old! Half a year. How did
that happen? I'm not sure myself-but it did. These almost 6 months have been nothing short of a fantastic blur-a
blink of an eye-but to look at a picture of day 1 compared to right
this moment? I think my baby got switched! He's not a baby he's like
almost a walking little man.
Same Kid? |
It's beyond crazy. He's crazy! He's the
epitome of a boy! Laughs whenever you say "poop", "stinky feet", and
"boo". And obviously thinks the shaking of a water bottle is THE funniest thing ever-see video evidence below....
He loves his daddy and all the girls in his life and has quite the fan club (those Luigi Girls fo' sho') which has transpired to a small mob when I bring him to the restaurant. We feel ya Justin Beeb-we feel ya. Most likely because Nico is a happy baby 99'% of the time but he has also mastered a shy slow smile all while simultaneously looking up at you and lifting his right eyebrow making the most harden hearts melt into a sloppy mess. I mean his "TT" (aka my sister Seneca) drives home every weekend just to get her Nico "fix". Not to mention all the Instagram/Facebook admirers he has! Assuming you all are reading all are toooo much and are going to give this kid a big head one day! Actually, if he's anything like his dad-he'll just say it's nothing he didn't already know and continue on. But rest assure-his mama is grateful that he has a spirit that makes others smile and love him as well. Nicolo's little personality is developing and his little (big self) is growing even faster. This kid is in the 96% percentile for height and 77% for weight-and that statistical information is already 3 weeks old. He's currently wearing 9 month clothing and even some 12 month. Which by the way-can we create some type of standardized sizing system? How annoying is it to have to remember what size clothes our baby takes in this brand versus that brand? Like new moms don't have enough to keep track of?! Anyway, in short (punny) he's going be carrying me around pretty soon. He has mastered rolling as well as scooting-I turn-and all of a sudden he's facing a new direction! Impressive mister. We have yet to start solids-only because I'm a tad bit of a "hippy" mom (plus do a ton of research) and decided that I would exclusively breastfeed for six months-I won't bore you with all the details on why-but please inquire if you are wondering! And obviously since his growth is almost off the charts - I didn't feel the need to start the food thing super early. That mama milk I tell ya! Good stuff! My Dear Italian Husband said if I were a cow-I'd be a real good one! A keeper in fact! Wait a minute....
My ESL Italian Husband. My Big Baby. Us. |
I hope you'll follow me on this journey. I hope I can make you laugh a little, reflect on your own path, and maybe inspire something in you as well. If not-well then just enjoy my bad grammar.
AKA "Mommy"